Our Customers are head over heels for the Mega Hair Chebe Powder. The Basara women of Chad are known to have very long, naturally coarse hair that famously goes down to their thighs. They cover their hair with a homemade Chebe mixture that keeps their hair super moisturized and lubricated. This is the reason why their hair never breaks. Our PURE Chebe Powder is the exact recipe the women of Chad use. Chebe Powder is a mix of seeds from the Chadian region of Africa that are ground into a powder. You can mix the Chebe Powder with your favorite oil, butter or simply mix with water and apply to hair. Mega Hair Chebe Powder arrests breakage and helps retain length meaning: LONGER HAIR. A little bit goes a long way. Add a couple of drops of our 7-Oil Premium Hair Serum to the mixture for added benefit.